Python Project with plot generated from a csv file.
Check the code!Built using Moment.js, a Js library plugged in order to display different times according to different time zones. The app allows the user to choose from different cities to check the time and has also the option to get the local time for their current time zone.
Launch AppClient project about fitness and training, life-coaching and collagen services. Following the client's guidelines this project was created using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript for both mobile and web versions. I also hosted it with a personalised domain and it contains some AOS animation on scroll.
Check it out!Built with Bootstrap and API integration (OpenWeather API). The app provides real and live data for input locations into the search bar + Geolocation.
Launch AppThis is a responsive website created and presented as the SheCodes Responsive workshop project including HTML embeds.
Check it out!Client project about life-coaching services. This responsive website was created using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript while following the client's wishes. I also hosted it with a personalised domain and added the whatsapp contact option.
Check it out!This website was created as part of a SheCodes Challenge to test my coding skills. It includes HTML, CSS and Javascript. It has the option to change between dark/light theme with toggle function.
Check it out!